Susan Newman, Doctor of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
Phone: 403-764-0244
Dr. Susan’s mission is simple: to help people live their best lives by addressing a wide range of health concerns. From relieving pain, anxiety, and depression to offering specialized assistance with fertility matters and helping people manage their symptoms as they go through their cancer treatment, she's a multifaceted healer with a heart of gold. Her belief in the power of natural healing, combined with her knowledge of acupuncture, traditional herbal medicine and energy healing, makes her a true ally for those navigating any health challenge.
One of her greatest passions lies in guiding individuals and couples on their journey to parenthood. Whether it's through fertility treatments, pregnancy support, or postpartum care, Dr. Susan provides compassionate and personalized care every step of the way.
Whether you're seeking relief from pain, looking to start a family, or need support during cancer treatment, Dr. Susan is the compassionate and skilled practitioner you've been searching for.